(defun string-append0 (&rest strings)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(apply #'concatenate 'string strings))
(defun string-append1 (&rest strings)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop for str in strings
while str
do (write-string str out))))
(defun string-append2 (&rest strings)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(let ((output (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'base-char)))
(loop for str in strings do
(loop for char across str do
(vector-push-extend char output)))
(defun string-append (&rest strings)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
with len fixnum = (loop for str string in strings sum (length str))
with output = (make-array len :element-type 'base-char )
with pos fixnum = -1
for str string in strings
while (< pos (1- len))
(loop for char across str
do (setf (char output (incf pos)) char ))
finally (return output)))
Executei o seguinte teste para avaliar o desempenho das implementações:
(eval-when (:execute)
(declare (optimize ((speedy 3) (safety 0))))
; Cria uma list com 100 strings de 30 caracteres
(let ((lst (loop for i from 1 to 100
(make-array 30 :element-type 'base-char :initial-element #\X))))
; Testa todas as funlções
(dolist (f (list #'string-append0
(format t "Running ~a~%" f)
(time (loop repeat 1000 do (apply f lst))))))
Rodando no SBCL 1.0.0 em um Athlon 64 obtive os seguintes resultados:
Running #
Evaluation took:
0.393 seconds of real time
0.358946 seconds of user run time
0.004999 seconds of system run time
[Run times include 0.026 seconds GC run time.]
0 calls to %EVAL
0 page faults and
33,662,880 bytes consed.
Running #
Evaluation took:
0.742 seconds of real time
0.649901 seconds of user run time
0.008999 seconds of system run time
[Run times include 0.04 seconds GC run time.]
0 calls to %EVAL
0 page faults and
74,006,848 bytes consed.
Running #
Evaluation took:
0.977 seconds of real time
0.666898 seconds of user run time
0.015997 seconds of system run time
[Run times include 0.041 seconds GC run time.]
0 calls to %EVAL
0 page faults and
10,559,808 bytes consed.
Running #
Evaluation took:
0.918 seconds of real time
0.112983 seconds of user run time
0.007999 seconds of system run time
0 calls to %EVAL
0 page faults and
4,640,224 bytes consed.
E o vencedor é STRING-APPEND, a função que utiliza o concatenate ficou em segundo lugar.
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